Wednesday, December 31, 2008

EM: 10 Things In Life That I Just Don't Understand...

Okay, in all honesty, you may think that this is going to be some deep blog I'm going to write about the world and life in general, but seriously, I can admit that those kind of blogs are not my forte. Want something deep? That's Ju's deal, I'm a fairly simple minded person, and I tend to focus on things that aren't necessarily important, but that tend to get to me, and so, this is my list of 10 things (in no particular order) that i've encountered in my life that I just don't understand...

1.) Action movies: Why? I don't care how many cars you can blow up if there's no plot to go along with the story. Seriously, could you please have a reason for the hummer jumping over 8 freaking helicopters and into the lake of fire? That would never happen, so if you're gonna' try and entertain my mind, can you at least convince me that it has a point?

2.) Emo Kids: Okay, seriously, fuck you guys. I mean, really? You're lives are that bad? Half of you are spoiled little rich kids that sit in front of the TV with your Ben and Jerry's crying about how much your life sucks. NEWSFLASH! There's kids in Africa starving to death, dying, losing loved ones every day and constantly living in fear, so when you guys start having realy problems, then you can start bitching. Until then, strap on your big boy/girl panties and get the fuck over it.

3.) Grounding your kids: I just don't understand... in all honesty... My parents never believed in grounding. They had this philosophy that in punished you for what you'd do in the future but not actually solve the problem at hand. Therefor, i've never been grounded. As a result, i've never felt the need to rebel, never felt the need to fight with my parents (never been in a fight with either of them) and never been in any real trouble. I mean, they laid down the law from day one and gave me real consequences I could fear rather than just being like "You do this or you're grounded!" and so I always did what I was told, but never had a real problem with it... see parents... if you're kids know they trust you they won't be retarded and go dicking around!

4.) Steven Segal: You can't act, how you ever got into movies is completely amazing, you make me want to burn myself with candle wax. Shut up, stop acting, cut off your goddamn pony tail you freaking goon.

5.) Jean Claude Vandamm: Like he above you, you just suck. I mean, I watched one of your movies and it actually used video game explosions when the train crashed! Two words dude... Time Cop... I mean, wow... that was just sad, and plus you had a mullet... good god...

6.) Sylvester Stallone: I.... HATE.... YOU.... SO.... MUCH!!!!!!! The very site of you makes me want to beat your skull in with a golf club! Rambo?! Rocky?! STOP! It's like, the same character only one boxes and the other has a crossbow or some shit! You suck sooooooo bad! I don't care how many oscars your movies have been up for, you can't act, you have no talent, you're a shit stain on the underpants of life.  Like the two above you, never act again.

7.) Bathroom Air dryers: Why the hell would any bathrooms have these to dry people's hands? First of all, one tree makes a shit ton of paper towels, so it's not like were killing one tree per towel, so all you hippies can just chill. Second of all, it's been proven multiple times that they actually blow more germs onto your hands then are on the paper towels themselves after you've washed. And third, they take like 10 minutes to dry your hands! And let's face it people, they never get them completely dry, so then you leave, after spending all that time drying them, with damp hands, which you then wave in front of you like a choade and wipe them on your pants. It's inconvenient, it's stupid, and I hate them so much.

8.) Ultra Thin Condoms: I mean, doesn't it speak for itself??? Why would you want them to be thinner when the whole purpose of them is protection and they're already known to break anyway? More feeling? Whatever dude, even if I was having sex I wouldn't do that! I'd rather not feel anything that hear the breaking of the rubber... It's just a stupid invention for dumb horny people who are never satisfied. Just chill people... just chill.

9.) Not letting you bring your own candy into the movies: I've been stopped by employees numerous times. "No outside food allowed", yeah, so they can rape your wallet of $20 for four M&M's when I could buy a 4lb. bag of them for 2 bucks at Top Foods across the street. It's bull and I'm sneaking my stuff in anyway, you guys suck.

10.) Horror movies about dead chicks with long black hair: Come on, it's taking it's toll. Let's get a new villain please? I mean, it was a little freaky at first yeah, I'll admit that "The Grudge" gave my psychological problems, yeah (embaressing I know, but whatever) but come on, Horror flicks are my favorite thing in the world and they're all the same now, and the little girl with the hair in her face isn't doing it for me anymore. Come on screenwriters, as one of you, I say let's branch out a little!

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