Saturday, December 27, 2008

THE JU: The real Problem with the world

It seems to me that our country is really going down hill...i know it seems like that to everyone with the economy the way it is but i think it's bigger than that. The common scapegoats: George W. Bush, Oil Companies, the Stock Market. But i think it's us. The american youth. We live in a country with endless possibilities and opportunities but how many of us spend the bulk of our time sitting in front of a t.v mastering guitar hero or sitting in front of a bong getting too stoned to think
NEWS FLASH: Mastering guitar hero, no matter how cool it makes you (not) means you have way too much time on your hands
Smoking pot is no longer sticking it to the man, that was our parents generation

There are so many kids in the world that would kill to get the education that we get handed to us, there are so many kids who would jump at the opportunity to work the jobs many of us feel to high and mighty to apply for. So before you start bitching about your job remember that to your grandparents flipping burgers was considered an opportunity, and that still applies to a lot of the world today.
We are probably the most spoiled generation ever and honestly it's getting somewhat ridiculous. Kids getting spots on MTV for having ridiculously overdone sweet 16s and attitudes to match. Kids bitching about school when free education is a rare commodity.
I have been obsessed with the 1960s since i can imagine. When i was 7 it was the shapes, colors and fashions, when i was 10 my interest expanded to the music and by the time i was 13 it was all about the drug culture. Now i'm 17 and i love the passion that that decade had. I don't think you can choose a more revolutionary decade. Civil rights, free love, and general acceptance were all lessons taught in those 10 turbulent years. 
All i want to know is where the hell did all that passion go, is it going to disappear with the baby boomers? In the 1960s the african americans had civil rights, the hippies had free love, and the whole country had vietnam. What issues are we going to  take on and change? What is our generation going to be known for other than being the first generation  with a shorter life expectancy than our parents? Who is going to be our Martin Luther King Jr.? Our Harvey Milk?
I guess all I'm looking for is a little depth. And i know that i'm not exactly stepping up to the plate right now either, and believe me, i've never been as disgusted with myself as i am right now. And i'm not saying "don't play guitar hero" god knows it's introduced kids my age to some decent music and classic songs, but maybe one day pick up a real guitar and make yourself the next Jimi Hendrix. And by all means smoke a bowl or two if you need to relax but don't let it strip you of your motivation, my father is one of the smartest people i've ever known but he hasn't stopped smoking weed since 1967 and now delivers flowers for a living.
Think about it when our parents were 17 their stereos took up an entire wall, now we walk around with a stereo and our entire music collection in our pockets. Think what our kids are going to have. And think about all that has improved since our parents time, they did that, what are we going to do to improve the world for our kids?
Let's be remembered for something more than just scene kids and the Jonas Brothers.

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