Sunday, January 18, 2009

EM: Oscar Predictions

So these are my nominee/winner predictions for the Oscars this year. The (*) will represent who I think will win/deserve to win in each category.

Best Picture:
Revolutionary Road*
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
Slumdog Millionair

Best Actor:
Sean Penn- Milk*
Brad Pitt- The Curious Case...
Leonardo DiCaprio- Revolutionary Road
Clint Eastwood- Gran Torino

Best Supporting Actor:
Heath Ledger- The Dark Knight*
James Franco- Milk
Phillip Seymore Hoffman- Doubt
Robert Downey Jr.- Tropic Thunder

Best Actress:
Anne Hathaway- Rachel Getting Married
Merryl Streep- Doubt*
Kate Winslet- Revolutionary Road
Angelina jolie- Changeling

Best Supporting Actress:
Penelope Cruz- Viki Christine Barcelona
Viola Davis- Doubt*
Amy Adams- Doubt
Kate Winslet- The Reader

Best Adapted Screenplay:
The Dark Knight (yeah, I think it counts!!!)

Best Original Screenplay:
Tropic Thunder
Gran Torino
Slumdog Millionair
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button*

Best Animated Picture:
Kung-Fu Panda

The rest of the awards are just not important enought to me for me to predict them, so this is my list!


  1. I'd be so happy to see Tropic Thunder nominated for anything. I know RDJ AND Tom Cruise got nods for Supporting Actor at the Globes, but.. the Oscars... it would show that the stick has started to fall out of their buts. My theory of Heath though is "to be properly recognized (dead or not) he has to either win best Supporting actor or just get nominated for best actor. I'm not expecting the latter, but that's how it has to be.

    I don't know about Rev Road. I haven't seen it, but I hear it's way too depressing. I really wish I had money to see all these movies... take me?

  2. If Heath Ledger doesn't get an Oscar I will kill everyone on the Oscar Comittee...
