Sunday, January 18, 2009

EM: Oscar Predictions

So these are my nominee/winner predictions for the Oscars this year. The (*) will represent who I think will win/deserve to win in each category.

Best Picture:
Revolutionary Road*
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
Slumdog Millionair

Best Actor:
Sean Penn- Milk*
Brad Pitt- The Curious Case...
Leonardo DiCaprio- Revolutionary Road
Clint Eastwood- Gran Torino

Best Supporting Actor:
Heath Ledger- The Dark Knight*
James Franco- Milk
Phillip Seymore Hoffman- Doubt
Robert Downey Jr.- Tropic Thunder

Best Actress:
Anne Hathaway- Rachel Getting Married
Merryl Streep- Doubt*
Kate Winslet- Revolutionary Road
Angelina jolie- Changeling

Best Supporting Actress:
Penelope Cruz- Viki Christine Barcelona
Viola Davis- Doubt*
Amy Adams- Doubt
Kate Winslet- The Reader

Best Adapted Screenplay:
The Dark Knight (yeah, I think it counts!!!)

Best Original Screenplay:
Tropic Thunder
Gran Torino
Slumdog Millionair
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button*

Best Animated Picture:
Kung-Fu Panda

The rest of the awards are just not important enought to me for me to predict them, so this is my list!

Friday, January 16, 2009

THE JU: Growing Up

your best friend becomes your enemy.
lollipops turn into cigarettes.
the innocent ones turn into sluts.
homework goes in the trash.
Cellphones are being used in class.
detention becomes suspension.
soda becomes vodka.
undies turn into g-strings.
kisses turn into sex.
remember when high meant swinging on the playground?
when protection meant wearing a helmet?
when the worst thing you could get from boys was cooties?
dad's shoulders were the highest place on earth and mom was your hero?
your worst enemies were your siblings.
race issues were about who ran the fastest.
war was only a card game.
the only drug you knew was cough medicine.
wearing a skirt didn't make you a slut.
the only things that hurt you were skinned knees.
and goodbyes ony meant until tomorrow?

and we just couldn't wait to grow up...
stolen from Jazminn's Myspace

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

THE JU: Somewhat Disturbing

Last week for me was what we theatre folk know and hate as "Hell Week" A week of endless rehearsals and tech work all leading up to opening weekend of a show. It causes more breakouts, breakdowns, and arguments in one week than I have ever seen any one activity cause besides addiction.
But that's not what disturbs me. the other day i heard someone say something that snapped a lot of things back into focus, a fellow cast member commented about the play:

"I just don't care anymore...because when you don't care you can't get hurt."

Now that's not a foreign philosophy to me or anybody for that matter. But i don't think that i've ever heard anyone say that out loud without being in the middle of a breakdown.

It's definately true. if you don't care about making the team it doesn't hurt when your name isn't on the list, if you never knew a person you might be sad that they passed away but it wouldn't truly hurt you.

But that is no way to live. If you don't care about anything you may not get hurt but how will you ever know joy? If you don't care about anything what's to stop you from hurting other people, or wasting away in your parents basement when your friends are out in the world making something of themselves?

We all have our reasons for "not caring"
not letting the backstabbing best friend see that she actually got to you
supporting the girl that got the part you wanted
saving face if the show you're starring in isn't as good as you thought it would be
not letting the ex boyfriend see that you still care for him

Those are all things we hid because they'd make us victims, they'd make us vulnerable. And we can't stand that because it shows people how to hurt you in the future.
But being vulnerable is human, and if you never let anyone see that humanity how can anyone ever truly love you?

So ask yourself, is being invincible worth being alone?

EM: Ju's Face Of the Week

WEEK #2: I guess I don't know if you can really call this "Making a face" or not. It's really just Ju playing with the the Photo Booth effects of my Macbook. Cute right? I thought so. It's kind of amazing how you can put a cute girl in front of a camera, turn on this function, and totally alter the look of the person entirely. Personally, I think it's mildly hilarious. I mean, does this look anything like the Ju we all know and love? NO! But, however, are we surprised that it is her? No, why? Because this is so something she would do. I think more people should be open to taking pictures like this instead of slutty myspace photos. This is more fun anyway...