Tuesday, June 9, 2009

EM: First year of College, almost over...

All I have to say is this: 
  • 1.) If you're in HS and I'm talking about a hard assignment, you trying to relate to it by talking about your HS homework is a really great way to PISS ME THE FUCK OFF. NOT EVEN REMOTELY THE SAME GODDAMN THING.
  • 2.) That I love Ellensburg, yeah... it's come to that. I really like being out here with these people.
  • 3.) In HS, I met Ju, and made a best friend, and that was truly the best and most rewarding part of HS for me. The rest of it is a memory that I don't care to revisit. 
  • 4.) I miss Ju, and coming back this summer will be great, as will Hawaii :)
  • 5.) That I've realized I've been forced out of my shell, truly forced, kicking and screaming, crying and hiding, and I look back on it, and I'm so glad.
  • 6.) College is truly a wonderful gift, that I'm done taking advantage of, and look forward to instead fully seizing. 
  • 7.) God am I a freaking Liberal... I mean, dude...
  • 8.) If you're a bitch, I WILL FIGHT YOU
  • 9.) I look totally retarded when I'm tipsy
  • 10.) CWU Theatre=Best thing ever
For some, I'm sure this all sounds quite insignificant, like I should have had some epic, altering, life changing experience! Well, I did! Just not the huge kind you see in fake-ass movies. I've realized what I truly care about and what's truly important, and what distance does to people, and how true friendships last through anything. I've learned that it's okay to occasionally let loose and not keep my guard up at all time, to speak my mind, and to NOT let people walk all over me. And I've realized that being meek will get you absolutely nowhere, unless your ultimate goal in life is to have a desk job. Oh... and I've also realized that the culminating project that took me a year to do in HS was NOTHING LIKE THE 10 PAGE RESEARCH PAPER I JUST WROTE IN 3 DAYS. Let's get this next (and last) chapter of my educational career over with now, so I can move on to my job. Real life, here I come.

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